Kara’s New Car


To test what an ’01 Honda Civic EX, granted with a really low ~ 46k miles, would get in these fuel economy minded times, I put Kara’s car for sale on Craigslist last Wednesday.  With in 24 hours I had 4 people who had contacted and at least one of which offering my asking price sight unseen.   So yesterday we sold the Civic and Kara shed a few tears since she was giving up the car she had bought new when she graduated from U of I.   We had already arranged to purchase an ’08 Acura TSX though, and it now seems safe to say there are no more tears, as the new car is very nice.  Here are a few pictures….



2 Responses to “Kara’s New Car”

  1. Amelia Says:

    The new car is bee-yoo-tiful… Now if either of you could just get away from work long enough to actually take it out on the road somewhere!!

  2. Chris Says:

    Ya, we’d love to take a weekend road trip up to Durango or somewhere, but that’s been impossible with work. Ugh. At least we got out of town last weekend, and will be going again in about a week- both for weddings, but at least we’re not at work!

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