Kara’s Birthday- African Safari Style in the Great Northwest


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Saturday was Kara’s 29th Birthday.  She’ll probably be mad when she sees that I put that on here because she keeps telling me it was her 27th birthday, but I know better.   I suppose she wanted to forget about getting older, because she asked for me to take her to the Oregon Zoo in Portland.  

It seemed that just about every family in Portland must have had the same idea, perhaps due to a rain-free weekend- as it was packed especially considering that we didn’t get there until about 2pm.  Nonetheless we had a fun time dodging the baby strollers and wild animals, at least when they weren’t hiding from us- we saw many exhibits & cages w/o any critters in sight.

Later that evening we tried out a pretty cool Asian restaurant called Saucebox in downtown and then took in the view from the 30th floor at the Portland City Grill while enjoying some libations.


One Response to “Kara’s Birthday- African Safari Style in the Great Northwest”

  1. ojulius Says:

    Happy Birthday, Kara! I was “27” for many, many years, so don’t give up the age. I think that was my favorite age, actually. 😉

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